All students within First Year Program are assigned to Advisors who monitor their progress, help them prepare for the future and serve as a campus resource. Freshman advising is the initial building block of establishing a solid foundation at the university. The advising experience begins in new student orientation. You will meet with a freshman advisor to select your mandatory block schedule and begin the initial review the degree requirements of your chosen major. You and your advisor will work closely with one another throughout the academic year developing your graduation plan which will aid in the identification of your career and life goals. For those who might not know what they want to do yet, do not worry. We have you covered. You will work with an advising specialist who will help guide you as you find the perfect major.
Mandatory Advising
All students have mandatory advising required before they will be cleared to register for the upcoming semester. You are required to meet your advisor five (5) times each semester. That may seem like a lot, but it is not nearly enough. Your advisor is your best resource and advocate who will help you through both academic challenges and outside issues that may impact your academic performance. You should have your first meeting early in the semester within the first two weeks of the beginning of term. Subsequent appointments should happen around academic warning periods. You are encouraged to meet with your advisor as much as you choose.
To schedule an appointment, simply contact your advisisor by major. Scroll down to see the list of Advisors by Majors.
Before your first advising appointment, please review the Advising Agreement and Advising Checklist.
Advising Agreement COMING SOON
Advising Checklist COMING SOON
Deneen Brackett |
(SUB) 186 | | (773)995-4477 |